Does he not just remind you of Ralphy from the Christmas Story???
As much as Grandma tells us to watch for deer, we forgot to tell her to watch for ice! At least they are both smiling!
Dilan's special bear, made by Pappy, he has really enjoyed riding it around, and crashing into the cabinets. He always makes sure to say "bye" when he scoots away!

and farm raised). We all stuffed ourselves, and watched the Lions lose! Can't wait for christmas and to see the excitement on Dilan's face when we get our decorations up!Dilan's special bear, made by Pappy, he has really enjoyed riding it around, and crashing into the cabinets. He always makes sure to say "bye" when he scoots away!
We have been having a great start to our winter this year! The weather has not been very wintery, but there have been a few days we could enjoy some sledding! Dilan is starting to talk up a storm, some days he will totally surprise us and say something we had no idea he had even learned yet. This past weekend he said highchair, and he pointed to Scott's watch and said "watch". The most enjoyable thing to date is he loves to lay on the couch and be covered with a blanket (just like his mommy!) and read books outloud. He will turn the pages and rattle on for several minutes, then say all done, and grab another book. It is so funny. Every time I try to get it on video, he sees me and becomes more interested in the camera.
We have had a great visit from his Grandma and Pappy Beall. Pappy got here a couple of weeks ago, and has stayed home with Dilan. Grandma came last saturday, and stayed for a week. They all had a blast, and it was nice for me to have extra babysitters...I forgot what it was like to sleep until 9am! Thanksgiving was great, lots of food, and our first Hooderite turkey (organic
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