Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas 2009!
Merry Christmas, 2009! We had a low-key holiday since we were all sick or recovering. Dilan enjoyed opening all of his presents, thanks to all the friends and family who gave so much.
The flu has hit...
Well the flu has finally hit the Courtney's...Dilan got sick last friday, poor kiddo, he has never thrown up before, and since last friday we have washed his sheets everyday at least once. Then I got sick on Sunday, and Scott got sick on Christmas Eve. So needless to say this will be a low key holiday, and we will save the delicious food for New Years!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Tree of 2009, the biggest yet!!!
It is really cool that we are able to go right out our back door and cut down our X-mas tree! We picked one that we thought wouldn't be too big, but that seemed full! Boy were we wrong! When we got it into the garage we realized that it touched the ceiling, so we trimmed a bit off! It was so fun adventuring with the family!

Pee-Pee in the Potty!!
So Dilan has tried a few times to go potty in his race car potty. Usually we just end up reading a few books, playing on the chair, then putting clothes back on. This time though he pushed his chair out into the living room, and I had my back turned to him and realized he has pottied on the floor! I thought that was great he was only about 6 inches from the potty. Then next thing I know he had actually gone in the potty!!! It was so exciting. I might have scared him with my reaction, but he thought flushing it was pretty cool. He hasn't done it since, but we are not pushing the issue!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Thanksgiving visit from Grandma and Pappy Beall!
Kodak moment with Grandma and Pappy!

Does he not just remind you of Ralphy from the Christmas Story???
As much as Grandma tells us to watch for deer, we forgot to tell her to watch for ice! At least they are both smiling!
Dilan's special bear, made by Pappy, he has really enjoyed riding it around, and crashing into the cabinets. He always makes sure to say "bye" when he scoots away!

and farm raised). We all stuffed ourselves, and watched the Lions lose! Can't wait for christmas and to see the excitement on Dilan's face when we get our decorations up!Dilan's special bear, made by Pappy, he has really enjoyed riding it around, and crashing into the cabinets. He always makes sure to say "bye" when he scoots away!
We have been having a great start to our winter this year! The weather has not been very wintery, but there have been a few days we could enjoy some sledding! Dilan is starting to talk up a storm, some days he will totally surprise us and say something we had no idea he had even learned yet. This past weekend he said highchair, and he pointed to Scott's watch and said "watch". The most enjoyable thing to date is he loves to lay on the couch and be covered with a blanket (just like his mommy!) and read books outloud. He will turn the pages and rattle on for several minutes, then say all done, and grab another book. It is so funny. Every time I try to get it on video, he sees me and becomes more interested in the camera.
We have had a great visit from his Grandma and Pappy Beall. Pappy got here a couple of weeks ago, and has stayed home with Dilan. Grandma came last saturday, and stayed for a week. They all had a blast, and it was nice for me to have extra babysitters...I forgot what it was like to sleep until 9am! Thanksgiving was great, lots of food, and our first Hooderite turkey (organic
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Happy Halloween!
Dilan was a turtle this year for Halloween! We didn't know if he would have a complete outfit since he doesn't like hats on, but he didn't take his turtle hat off the whole time! We took him to the Boo Bash at our local elementary, and he seemed to have lots of fun! He played some games and won some candy...but somehow the candy disappeared before he could eat it! Hmmm wonder how that happended!
Fall fun!
We had another ER scare a couple of weeks ago with Dilan. He got up and had these strange red bumps on him, and his ankles were really swollen...I called the nurse and she said bring him in! So we raced in, only to be in the ER for 6 hours (you moms can understand how tough that was) to be told he had a virus, and that was just his bodies way of fighting off the follow up needed! Thank goodness we already met our deductable for the year! These pictures were just the day after, he was back to 100% so we decided to get some fresh air and hike right behind our house!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Fall in Montana
Hanging out with my Pops...Dilan was obsessed with his tea cup and lid. Pops spoiled me, giving me chocolate milk, and spice drops!

Gramma and Dilan in Lincoln, MT
Dilan on his new "big" boy bed, made special for him by Pops....pretty awesome.

Loving wearing his daddy's shoes

Still loving daddy's shoes!

Daddy shot a grouse, and I didn't even get scared when he shot....then I got to touch his wings.
Helping mommy and daddy cut wood for the winter!

Loving wearing his daddy's shoes
Still loving daddy's shoes!
Fall has arrived in Montana! Temperatures have dropped to the 40's and there is snow on the mountain tops. Dilan is having a great time hanging out with his Pops and Gramma. He got his first big boy haircut at Walmart last weekend. He wasn't too happy, but fortunatly he was tired so he didn't fuss too much. I didn't realize how much he really needed a haircut until after. I also realize it is time for me to stop trying to cut it myself...
Monday, August 24, 2009
Courtney family adventure in Troy, MT!
Scott, Dilan and I went away for a much needed weekend as a family! We rented a cabin in the Cabinet Mountains about 4 hours north/west of home. We only stayed two nights, but we feel so refreshed! We did some hiking, adventuring, and just did some hangin' out!
These are the Yaak Falls, about 20 minutes outside of Troy, MT. It was so beautiful, but a little can only imagine these falls in early spring!
These are the Yaak Falls, about 20 minutes outside of Troy, MT. It was so beautiful, but a little can only imagine these falls in early spring!
This is the cabin we rented. It was really nice and had all the amenities you would need. Dilan did great...took him a while to fall asleep the first night, but we had a great time sleeping all together in the same room! It was funny to watch Dilan watching us, while we pretended like we were sleeping!
Dilan got a fat lip, he tripped while we were hiking in the Cedars forest...he was bleeding and crying...I felt so bad, but he recovered quickly.
Dilan got a fat lip, he tripped while we were hiking in the Cedars forest...he was bleeding and crying...I felt so bad, but he recovered quickly.
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