Sunday, October 19, 2008

Dilans Growing!!!

Dilan is doing so good! He is getting so big! He is not quite crawling yet, but really wants to and can almost pull himself up into a sitting position! He is eating mostly solid foods, really loves his cheerios and mangos! Scott is been doing lots of hunting but no luck yet! Pops and Grams Courtney were just here, and that was very special for Grams to take care of Dilan while I was at school! Dilan and I are going to Kalamazoo on the 26th of December. We are going to have an early birthday party for him! I will try to keep this more updated so you all can see how much he is growing! We hope that everyone is doing well and we are thinking of you all!
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friends and Family